Capital Foodservice is a Canadian family-owned and operated business. Our Founding partners include Flanagan Foodservice and F.J. Wadden and Sons who have been servicing Canadians for over 81 years combined. Our Atlantic Canadian team works throughout the Maritimes to service local businesses.
Is to exceed our customer's expectations one delivery at a time.

Our team at Capital Foodservice proudly nourishes family and friends in our communities throughout the Maritimes, safely delivering quality products with pride and integrity.
We firmly believe in and are committed to ensuring that our operations are carried out in a way that ensures the health and safety of everyone. It includes our employees, visitors and customers.
Held as our highest standard of conduct, our actions and how we do business will consistently demonstrate to you our responsibility to conducting business in an honest and straightforward manner. We act with integrity, our internal code of honour, always doing the right thing, even when nobody’s watching.
We acknowledge our commitments and are responsible for our actions, accepting responsibility for our actions without exception.
We believe that our development as a company will never end. We continually seek new, better ways of serving you, our Customers, and taking care of our Team. We relentlessly pursue excellence in projects, products, processes, and services and define success as getting the right things done well. Simply put, we strive to enhance the excellence of our product and the quality of our service through a desire for continuous improvement.
“We respect and care for all.”
Senior Management | ||
President - Steve Dobbin | Human Resources Manager - Melissa Thornton | |
Director of Procurement - Michael Sullivan | Director of Sales Retail - Norm Kervin | |
Warehouse Manager - Bill Kimmel | Director of Operations - Ruben Ramirez | |
Operations Support Manager - Todd Ward |
Our Facility including - 3000 square feet of Refrigerated storage and 9000 square feet of Freezer storage.
Total 72000
Our Warehouse Management System allows for the tracking of all goods from the point of receiving to the point of delivery at the end-user.
Including sea food and fresh meat, dairy, frozen goods and more.
Our service areas cover the Atlantic region of Canada, from the province of New Brunswick to the province of Nova Scotia.
Amanda Gallant - Key Account Manager
Andre Pellerin - Shediac to Miramichi
Dan Francis - HRM / South Shore
Darren Janes - Saint John NB
Emily MacRae - Truro / Antigonish
Gilles Levesque - North West NB
Harrison Budden
- Cape Breton
John Sherriff
- District Sales Manager - NS
Kevin Keefe - Sussex / Moncton
Rene Girardeau - North East NB
Roderick Smart - Fredericton
Travis Sanford - Halifax
We're serious about our commitment to food safety – our distribution center is diligently monitored to ensure we meet and exceed the current required standards. Our Food safety Enhancement Program ensures regular sanitation and temperature checks as well as an in-house verification.
As a Canadian-owned business operating in the Maritimes, we continue to celebrate the things that make our Maritime provinces great, emphasizing on the environment, sustainability, accessibility, and our communities.